Screening in government houses in Jakarta

Report by FCF supervising physician Chrétienne Bowier -

On Sunday 24 May, a screening for breast and cervical cancer was held, especially for the women who live in Jakarta's 'government houses'. My colleague told me that families with little money are allocated housing by the government. Large high-rise flats, the so-called 'governmental buildings', consisting of hundreds of houses. We expected around 800 women, divided over several poor neighbourhoods of Jakarta, to come to the screening. continue reading →

First Lady Indonesia launches National 'Female Cancer' Programme

On Tuesday, 21 April 2015, the launch of the National Prevention Programme for the Early Detection of Breast and Cervical Cancer was held by the First Lady and her supporters of strong women; the spouses of governors from different parts of Indonesia.

A doctor gives information about cervical cancer to the wife of the Governor of Jakarta.

From 12 different regions in Indonesia continuous reading →