Take a look at the frequently asked questions below. If your question is not listed or if you would like to contact our foundation personally, please go to the contact page.
How can I help?
How can you help eradicate cervical cancer? With every 10 euros, we can save the life of a woman. Donate directly with the ticker QR below or click here.
What does the Female Cancer Foundation do?
The Female Cancer Foundation is fighting cervical cancer worldwide. The Female Cancer Foundation is the only NGO in the Netherlands that focuses entirely on fighting cervical cancer in developing countries. Here you can find out more about cervical cancer and our approach.
How does the Female Cancer Foundation help women in low-income countries?
The Female Cancer Foundation strives for a world without cervical cancer, to be achieved by providing on-site care (screening and treatment), education and research.
What about cervical cancer in the Netherlands?
The Female Cancer Foundation helps in countries where the incidence of cervical cancer is highest. That is in developing countries like Indonesia, Bangladesh, Uganda and Sierra Leone for example. Want to know more about how prevention works in the Netherlands? Click here
What happens to my donation?
The Female Cancer Foundation has the ANBI status (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling). This means that we do not have to pay inheritance tax on the money obtained from donations and your money therefore goes 100% to the Female Cancer Foundation, so that it helps to build a world without cervical cancer.
What is the See&Treat Method?
The See&Treat method is a cost-effective method used to combat cervical cancer. With this method, women are screened and if necessary treated immediately. See here more about our See & Treat method
How can I support the Female Cancer Foundation?
You can support the Female Cancer Foundation by donating directly. Thanks in advance!
In which countries does the Female Cancer Foundation operate?
The Female Cancer Foundation is working in several countries in Africa and Asia, see our projects here.
What is HPV?
The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease. There is an 80% chance that you will contract this virus at some point in your life. There are no medicines against HPV. An HPV infection can lead to cervical cancer. Read more about cervical cancer here.
How does cervical cancer arise?
Cervical cancer is caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which is transmitted by sexual contact. When a woman's immune system does not function properly, for example due to poor living conditions and nutrition, there is a chance that the HPV infection could cause cervical cancer. Read more about cervical cancer here.
Who is at risk of contracting HPV?
Every woman who is sexually active is at risk of becoming infected with HPV. In principle, you do not know or notice that you are infected until the HPV infection leads to (pre-stages of) cervical cancer. Read more about cervical cancer here.
Is cervical cancer hereditary?
Cervical cancer is caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which is transmitted by sexual contact. Cervical cancer is therefore NOT hereditary. Read more about cervical cancer here.
Can cervical cancer be prevented/cured?
Cervical cancer is preventable and 100% curable if diagnosed in time and the symptoms are controlled. Read more about cervical cancer here.
Does HPV always lead to cervical cancer?
Not every HPV infection leads to cervical cancer. There are about 100 known types of HPV, which are divided into the low-risk and high-risk group. The high-risk group can cause cervical cancer. Read more about cervical cancer here.
Do condoms protect against HPV?
The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) lives on the skin around the genitals and can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact. Condoms therefore do not provide 100% protection against HPV. Read more about cervical cancer here.