(press release)
Phase II - Gieskes-Strijbis Fund supports the continuation of Save My Mother in Ghana and Kenya
Amsterdam, September 29, 2014 - The successful 'Save my mother project' of SOS
Children's Villages and the Female Cancer Foundation (FCF) is entering its second phase after the three-year pilot phase, made possible
made possible by the National Postcode Lottery, is now entering its second phase. The collaboration has been a proven
success. In the 5 participating countries, women are being screened and, if
treated if necessary. The next phase is entirely focused on making the projects sustainable. In
Ghana and Kenya, the continuation is made possible by the Gieskes-Strijbis Fund. Thanks to this
contribution, SOS Children's Villages and Female Cancer Foundation can continue the success of the first phase and
continue their work on preventing cervical cancer and
curing early stages of this deadly disease further.