International Women's Day 2014

Currently, every 2 minutes somewhere in the world a woman dies unnecessarily from cervical cancer. This is easy and preventable with few resources. That is what every strong woman should stand for. This statement was developed completely selflessly by Bernd Out and Annamara Hamersma.

In the Netherlands, cervical cancer is almost always preventable or curable through prevention and access to care, but in Third World countries, unfortunately, this is not the case. Female Cancer Foundation provides cervical cancer treatment for women in developing countries. With our film, we want to generate more awareness for our mission: to eliminate cervical cancer from the world. In addition, we want to create awareness of this disease among the Dutch public.

Why this statement?

As part of International Women's Day 2014, Female Cancer Foundation is drawing attention to cervical cancer. In order to reach as many women as possible, we chose to enlist the help of strong and well-known Dutch women: Eva Jinek, Jennifer Hoffman, Marian Spier, Nikki Peters and Marjan Berk.

The need is high because in order to achieve the ideal of a world without cervical cancer, it is necessary to create awareness. If no action is taken, an average of one million women per year will be at risk of developing cervical cancer by 2050 (figures: Globocan 2012).

Why on International Women's Day?

International Women's Day is all about women's rights worldwide and women standing up for each other. This is a great time to stand up for all women worldwide, who do not have the same opportunities as we have in the Netherlands.

How does a woman get cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer is caused by the Human Papilloma virus. This virus can invade the cells of the cervix, creating abnormal cells. When these abnormal cells grow uninhibited and develop into cancerous cells, it is called cervical cancer. HPV infection is the most common STD, affecting about 80% of all people at some point in their lives. HPV lives on the skin around the genitals and can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact. Therefore, any woman who is sexually active is at risk of being infected with the HPV virus. Most people do not notice any symptoms and infect others without realizing it.

By no means every HPV infection leads to cervical cancer. There are about 100 known types of HPV, which are classified into low-risk and high-risk groups. Only the high-risk group causes cervical cancer. There is no cure for HPV, so it is important to detect this disease at an early stage and intervene in a timely manner.

What does Female Cancer Foundation do?

Worldwide, cervical cancer affects 500,000 women every year, of which more than half die from the disease. That's one woman every two minutes, and 85% of those live in developing countries.

Cervical cancer also occurs in Western countries, which is why women between the ages of 30 and 50 receive a call for a smear test every five years. Usually the disease is detected early this way and symptoms can be treated in time. Women in developing countries often lack this screening option. Cervical cancer is the most common cancer among women in developing countries. This is why Female Cancer Foundation in collaboration with Leiden University Medical Center (experts in gynecology and oncology) has developed an effective and inexpensive method to help these women. Namely, by screening with a vinegar solution and possibly treating by freezing (just like a wart). The so-called See&Treat program involves women being screened locally by a midwife or nurse and treated immediately if necessary. By training local physicians, the results are lasting and this single visit approach allows women to be screened and treated in one visit, preventing drop-outs.

Introducing this method worldwide, combined with information and education, makes a world without cervical cancer not a utopia but a real goal.

Will you also stand for healthy and strong women? SHARE and DONATE! Already for € 10, - a woman can be examined and, if necessary, treated immediately.

Support Female Cancer Foundation

This film is not intended to create panic, but to create awareness. If you have any questions regarding having a smear test, please contact your doctor.

If you want more information about cervical cancer, look here.

For further questions, please feel free to email: